Count And Noncount Noun - English Grammar

Count And Noncount Noun - English Grammar
Nouns : Count and Noncount
Other related topics :
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  • Adjective + Noun
  • Subject and Object Pronouns
  • Singular and Plural
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  • Count and Noncount
  • A/an-vs-Some
  • Using The
  • Using Some and Any

Count and Uncount Noun

Noun Singular Plural
Count Noun a + noun
one + noun
noun + s
Example :
a book
one book
Example :
two books
some books
many books
a few books
Noncount Noun Don't use a
Don't use one
Noncount noun doesn't
have a plural form.
Example :
some advice
a lot of money
much money
a little homework

Noncountable Noun

We use uncountable nouns for things that do not naturally divide into separate units. Many uncountable nouns are abstract (like happiness, security), but some are concrete (like water, sand, etc). Common noncount nouns :
  1. Advice : She needs some advice.
  2. Bread : He eats some bread.
  3. Butter
  4. Cheese
  5. Coffee
  6. Food
  7. Fruit
  8. Furniture
  9. Help
  10. Homework
  11. Information
  12. Jewelry
  13. Luck
  14. Mail
  15. Money
  16. Music
  17. Meat
  18. Milk
  19. Peace
  20. Pepper
  21. Rice
  22. Salt
  23. Sand
  24. Soup
  25. Sugar
  26. Tea
  27. Traffic
  28. Water
  29. Weather
  30. Work
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